Baseline Ultrasound
They did two blood draws. One for a CBC and one for an estrogen test. Apparantly after I came off of the BCP's my estrogen should have dropped to less than 20. It did. Amazing. So I'm good to go on my lupron in the AM.
At the end, J and I had our injection training class with Nurse S. The tiny needles look easy enough, but it's those big honking progesterone ones that have me scared. My god. They are huge. And Nurse S said that if I do get pregnant, I'll have daily, yes DAILY, shots of progesterone until I'm through my TENTH week of pregnancy. I count that as 70 shots of progesterone, plus those that I take after ET. So At least 85 of them. I despise IM injections and I don't know how the hell I am going to get through that.
Programmed my new Timex Ironman watch to remind me to do my shots at 9AM and 9PM. Very nifty little thing if only it weren't so bulky and U-G-L-Y. I do wish they made these a little more feminine?
Labels: IVF1
Comments on "Baseline Ultrasound"
Im on my 14th day of Lucrin (LUPON injection, the past 14 days going well , my husband is supper great did the injection daily without fail and give me support. Went for Ultrasound and blood tect this morning, they just said that my lining is 4?????(What ever that ment) So I 'm waitting for a call this afternoon and see if im on the next Injection. Wish me luck