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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

IVIg: The New Botox?
Progesterone: The New Viagra?

All I know is that ever since I did IVIg last Wednesday, my skin has looked great. I've arisen to rosy cheeks each and every day. And get this: my eyelids even looked taut enough yesterday so as to temporarily dissuade me from upper eyelid blepharoplasty.

Strange, but true. I did a double-take in the bedroom mirror yesterday afternoon. I felt like shit, bloated and bruised from the heparin, but hell my skin looked rather good!

The first day after IVIg, I felt rather warm, overheating even, so I discounted the rosy cheek thing. But it's persisted long enough that I've started to wonder. But at $2015 a pop for the IVIg drip, I don't think that ladies will be running out to get this in droves.

TMI Warning

In my first IVF cycle, Dr. Moustache distinctly told me, "No sex, or orgasms!"

A cruel joke has been played on me by the RE. I am convinced that progesterone works like viagra. In both of my IVF cycles, as I get towards completing a week of the PIO, I start to get, well, rather RANDY.

Okay, I feel rather weird, and a bit extroverted, telling the world that progesterone seems to make me horny, but, there you have it. I'm sure someone else out there has had this experience. Please do pipe in and share. I would get some solace knowing that I'm not the only progesterone perv out there.

So, the NO SEX order has been handed down by Dr. Moustache. But I did ask my fav nurse, Nurse A, at Dr. Moustache's, "What happens if I, well, have a dream and the EARTH SHAKES while I'm asleep? It happened last cycle, you know. It actually woke me up. What then?" I wondered, "Do the embryos all dislodge and die?"

The nurse was rather amused, laughed a bit, and said it was probably okay but I fear the directness of my question might have unnerved her enough to not give me an entirely honest answer. Funny that we can talk about the stringy crotch snot that emanates from our respective nether regions, but when it comes to orgasm, everyone gets queasy.

So yesterday I became a bit concerned because it seems the progesterone is starting to work its magic. Little I can do if I've served up a dream with Christopher Noth. I'll be helpless.

Oh, and the cramps reappeared last night. Just when I started to think, "Damn, I guess they've all been in my head", they came back. They were there this morning when I woke up, through my morning PIO and bathroom routine, and they're still there now. I swear, it's either the evilness of the Progesterone, once again, making my uterus think that it's pregnant, or maybe, just maybe, something is going on down there.

We're focused on the latter. :-)


Comments on "IVIg: The New Botox?
Progesterone: The New Viagra?


Blogger Coloratura said ... (1:18 PM) : 

Hmmm... don't want to get you excited, but rosy cheeks were a sign for me. I get it every time. It only lasts for a few days, but I've gotten it every time I've gotten pregnant.

Ah, little earthquakes... you are not alone. I had at least three wet dreams, entirely out of my control, in my last pregnancy. Not to mention feeling muchachas randy the whole time. This after my acu had said, as Dr. Z did, NO orgasms, NO sex. In the end, I don't think it had an impact. I read a post on another blog all about this. Lots of respondees saying they'd all had the same reaction to either progesterone or just being pregnant. I don't know what you can do though... especially if it's in your sleep... think of England? I mean, what are you going to do?

I guess the good news here is that more or less non-stop randiness has also *always* been a pregnancy indicator for me as well.

Man, I hope it's going to be the case for you as well!

Don't rent any sexy movies from now till third trimester, that's all I have to say...


Blogger Coloratura said ... (1:18 PM) : 

oops, I meant 2nd trimester...


Blogger linda said ... (2:07 PM) : 

I am so glad to hear that I'm not the only one getting midnight earthquakes that appear out of nowhere. :o)

I find it interesting that physicians don't warn us of this impact (the randiness) of progesterone, or that you might get cramps that mimic pregnancy. They definitely leave out some crucial information.

Yep, I'm cutting out any movies with Harrison Ford, John Malkovich, Kenneth Brannagh, Keanu Reeves, or any of the other hunka-hunka-burnin'-loves out there.

Well, just for a while. :-)


Blogger Pamplemousse said ... (3:04 PM) : 

The combo of estrogen and progesterone seems to have really revved up my engine haha! The hubs was saving the goods for today but I am planning on getting it on good-style the nght before transfer hehe.

Your symptoms sound all-good to me!!


Blogger tonya said ... (11:59 PM) : 

Oh yeah, pg has always been good for me in terms of the randy dreams. ;) I can't say the prog. helped too much, made me more pissy than anything and the pussy pop goop sure didn't help my libido. I am so very hopeful for you!


Blogger Thalia said ... (3:58 AM) : 

also hoping that it's the latter.


Blogger x said ... (2:17 PM) : 

I found the same with prometrium, although the sore ovaries wouldn't allow me to indulge.
I wish I had gotten the lovely skin, that is a nice bonus.
All the best!


Blogger Donna said ... (2:57 PM) : 

Don't underestimate the power of the drugs you're on - of course you are feeling their effects! I sometimes think it's crazy all the things you are told you can't do during medicated cycles. People get pregnant every day doing everything in the book we are told not to do. Sorry you can't take advantage of that Old Black Magic feeling.


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