CD25: 6DP3.5DT
Today's HPT was lighter than yesterday's. It's just a tiny bit different. It might just be a variation in the tests themselves...or maybe the oil slick in my urine from the progesterone suppositories didn't make for a good test today. Or maybe the HCG trigger on the way out...and the embryo hasn't made it's presense know yet? Or there is no embryo?
Who knows.
I know. I know. It's early to test. Very early.
I'm torturing myself prematurely.
But if I need an IVIG infusion, I kind of need to know early enough for it to make a difference.
I telephoned my OG/Gyn's office today and left a message for the PA:
"I triggered 11 days ago. My HPTs are still showing faint positive lines. What do you think?"
What did she think? Oh boy. Get this.
She said, "We usually see trigger shots disappear within 2 or 3 days."
Me: "Huh? You've got to be kidding?"
She: "You should come in TOMORROW for a beta. You might be pregnant! We'll do a serial beta, meaning we'll test you tomorrow and again in 72 hours. The lab is already closed today otherwise we could have seen you today."
Me: "I'll be there first thing in the morning."
Who am I to argue against taking a serum pregnancy test? But hell if I'm waiting 72 hours for a second one! I'm writing STAT on the top of the lapslips and I'll do the 2nd one in 48 hours.
I don't expect to see anything miraculous given how damned light these HPT lines are, but I'd like to get over the inevitable tears and depression and get back with my life sooner rather than later.
If that is the reality I'm going to be served, hurry up and lay it on me dammit.
In anticipation of a negative beta, and in total self-protective mode, I emailed Dr. Hungarian and asked if J and I could be seen in NYC mid October.
No reply yet, but I'm ready if this beta party is a bust.
Labels: FET1
Comments on "CD25: 6DP3.5DT
FRED #3"
I had the very same thing happen with me - light HPT got lighter and lighter (this is IVF #3)....drank a bottle of wine - did official beta the next day but KNEW it was on the way out like the previous cycle..and lo and behold the beta was 43.....very low but I am now 22 weeks and pregnant with an active little boy.
GOOOOOOOD Luck! I hope this is the one for you.
It ain't over yet. Still checking and hoping obsessively.
Of course lines can vary from test to test. I wouldn't bum yourself out yet over a lighter line. Like you said, it could be anything.
But for the love of god, don't leave us hanging......