What on earth could have accounted for this?
I've wracked my brain attempting to draw out some sort of correlation. That's me though. Two senior theses in data analysis, just for the hell of it, mean that I really do have a love affair with data. I love looking for trends. Crunching numbers. Trying to make sense out of nonsense.
So, let's look at what's changed?
- I lost 23 pounds since January. There is some anecdotal evidence that extreme weight loss (such as mine in two months) can lower FSH.
- I've started eating meat again. Red, chicken, pork, bacon, you name it. Protein is protein. Protein keeps me thin.
- I've cut back on carbs drastically. Very little wheat, rice, or pasta. They're considered luxuries on my plate and they rarely make an appearance these days unless J does the cooking (he's a carb nut).
- I avoid carbs that are high on the glycemic index. No corn, carrots, pineapple, bananas, and such. If I want to cheap with carbs, I've got a few bars of dark chocolate in the wine cellar (out of sight) and I eat a bit of that to curb my sugar cravings. Sometimes I eat my mom's sugar free candies that are made with sugar alcohol rather than sugar. Frankencandy, yes, but it keeps my insulin levels steady.
- I'm drinking decaf coffee with soymilk (rather than no coffee at all). Previous cycles I only drank organic, water processed decaf and with oat milk rather than soy so that I wouldn't get any phytoestrogens. My acupuncturist would say that I shouldn't drink any coffee at all. Bah I say.
- I'm drinking wine again, at max, maybe a 1/2 glass every other night
- I'm eating goat and sheep cheese. Not a big deal to you, but I'm allergic to milk protein. Alpha-s1-casein to be exact, which is a protein that cow milk is chock full of...but the major alpha isomer of casein in goat and sheep is alpha-s2-casein, also some beta-casein...but the stereochemistry is a bit different between s1 and s2, and I don't seem to react to it at all. Oddly, when I was in Italy, I gorged myself on cheese, pizza, and all the dairy I could handle and I didn't have a single reaction. Hmm....
I started taking 75mg of miconized DHEA to help egg quality. I began taking it either right before or right after this FSH test came in, so I will be damned curious to see what my next FSH test looks like. It might shift yet again since I'm dicking with my chemistry with the DHEA...but I am praying it stays low.
I realize that in premenopausal women (me?) that FSH can tick up & down with a general trend on it's way UP. But my jumps had previously been in the 8 to 10 range. This is huge. A gigantic dip.
I'm just so curious as to what happened and what I can do to ensure that it stays low.
Labels: IVF3 Take 2
Comments on "FSH Dip"
Thats a great diet you have! I didn't know corn had a high GI. Bah. :( My favorite foods keep disappearing! Good to know though.. Good luck and congrats on the lower FSH!
WOW...what a dramatic drop. You've made lots of changes since then but WOW...I'm speechless.
A huge congrats!