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Friday, April 21, 2006

Lupron: Day 2

The first two days are easy...just lupron, aspirin, and a handful of vitamins. It's not until we add in the FSH and medrol that things get really messy on the chemical level.

I don't feel like I'm wigging out from the ill effects of lupron just yet, although I did have a blow out with my mom yesterday...and I hand edited my registry after not being able to uninstall a bloated corporate version of Norton Anti-Virus...but honestly, 1 shot of lupron does not a lunatic make. I was a bit warmer than usual last night, but no full blown night sweats as of yet.

Feng Shui-ing the Courtyard

click to see the whole enchildadaI was at the local real estate board a few days ago and noticed some books on Feng Shui for buying and selling homes. I didn't want to blow $18 per book, so I headed over to the library to see if they had the same titles on hand. They didn't. But they had a couple of 1 hour videos on the subject, which I quickly snatched up along with a 5 hour docudrama on Charlemagne, and a few others.

So yesterday morning I settled into the Feng Shui videos with my decaf tea. They were really cheesy documentaries, poorly shot, obviously very low budget, but they were...well...Interesting. Something about it all got a bee in my bonnet to make a few changes. I started by rearranging the living room, put the couch adjacent to the fireplace instead of in front of it. I discovered that whomever it was that last moved the couch lifted it by one of the arms and tore out the fabric where the arm meets the body. Nearly unfixable. Grrr..... So much for Feng Shui making me FEEL better. I was pissed, but I was determined to Feng Shui the house. That being done, I set my sights on the courtyard entry.

The Feng Shui video said fountains are a good thing. Okay. No problem there. I have had the makings to build a fountain in our brick planter for quite some time now. But something about Lupron and the video gave me a kick in the ass to actually BUILD IT. And build it I did. I bought a fountain kit from Home Depot...it came with a 10'x12' liner that was just way too big for the planter...I cut it in half and then it fit pretty well. The hardest part was folding the liner so that it would fit perfectly into a 1-1/2' deep rectangular planter box - and it's not a perfect fit. I'll still have to fold the black PVC under to hide the excess, but that's a job for another day.

J came home for lunch around 1PM and found me in sweats, covered in dirt, water, and on the throes of filling up the fountain. I think he was slightly impressed that I was FINALLY getting around to this project. By the time he had to head back to work, the fountain was done. DONE! I was amazed at how easy a project this was to complete. (I've got a 6'x10' swatch of leftover PVC if any of you Crones want to make a fountain).

click to see my outdated electric stove and how you, too, can have a grease splattered mirror in  your kitchenThe last thing I did before showering off the soil and mud was, as the videos recommended, was to put a mirror behind our stove top (it faces a wall). Funny that it recommended this because I had done just this in our last apartment...thinking it would make the kitchen look a bit brighter. Okay, their reasoning here is something about increasing the number of burners (even if only in a reflection) will increase your luck and you wealth. Hell, I could use more money after that check to Dr. Moustache. So the mirror stays.

Anyways...after my much enjoyed shower, I sat down to check email and did a quick google query [feng shui ivf] and was taken aback, stunned?, to see one of Julianna's posts show up in sixth place on the first page. Damn that girl has done it all. Okay. So I'm not the only infertile to turn to turn to Chinese Mysticism in my quest to have a baby. I felt relieved.

Read a bit more about it last night and according to the Feng Shui folks, I should move the crape myrtle in front of the fountain out of the way as it's blocking the door, and hence the Qi to the front door. In fact, according to these people, I ought to have a clear line of vision from the front door to the street. Hmm...I guess that means that two or three wretched looking, and stunted, Italian cypruses are going to have to go. No problem there. They're butt ugly and look like rats would fester in them.

But what to tell the landlord? I mean, we're renting!

Well...they ARE in terrible condition, he's old, so maybe he won't mind too much so long as I put in something nicer (and shorter) in their stead. I can only imagine the conversation this might lead to on our move out day,
"Mr. Landlord, you've got to understand. I was pumped up on Lupron, FSH, and steroids when I did this. And besides, the bushes were blocking the path of Qi to my front door, so it might keep me from getting pregnant, so they really did have to go. There was no question about it. I hope you can see this."
So since we've basically cancelled the trip to Tahoe this weekend, maybe we'll have time to remove those old cyprus bushes and put something "nice" in their stead. I can only hope that he entirely forgets what was originally planted there.

But back to my Feng Shui extravaganza. I will not be distracted.

I made a 10:30PM dash to Walgreens last night. Despite 14 days of spotting, I had enough lining left for a visit from AF, and I was well into day 2 of it. Bleh. I had hoped it would be the last of it, alas no. So off I went to the drugstore...and ironically, right in the front door was an entire display of good luck bamboo planters. It was too coincidental. Here I was in full Feng Shui mode, and the local Los Gatos Walgreens has, for the first time ever, an entire bevy of bamboo.

What's a desperate consumer-driven infertile on Lupron to do?

Buy one, of course.

goodluck bamboo plant in a planter with a circle of frogs. feng shui made me do it.And I did. A cute planter with frogs circling the base. Okay, I would have probably bought one of these anyways one day as I've been coveting Dr. Moustache's collection of bamboo in his office...but I know that the real impetus is that the video told me to do it. Oh yes, and I'm a desperate woman. I want a baby. And if I have to rearrange furniture, make a fountain, chop down trees, and hang strange things from my ceiling, I'll do that, too. In a second. I'm a near to devout atheist, but if you told me rubbing the feet of some random Christian statue has been reported to get infertile women pregnant, I'd do it in a second and without much thought given to it.

I may be close to losing all reason.


Comments on "Lupron: Day 2"


Blogger Donna said ... (8:16 PM) : 

Wow, I wouldn't dream of tackling a project like a fountain. Then again, if we put in a fountain at our house the dogs would just stand in it and drink. I think you're also supposed to paint your door red, maybe your old landlord won't notice that either.


Blogger Coloratura said ... (9:42 PM) : 

I love the whole Feng Shui thing... and I swear, since we've moved to our loft from where we used to live, some things in our a life are so much better... and then I noticed that this place has some built-in feng shui... it's interesting. I also have a little bamboo plant in my kitchen... but in case you haven't gotten your fill, come do some feng shui at my house... :P


Blogger Pamplemousse said ... (2:32 PM) : 

Linda, you are scaring me now haha!


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