Pushing Property in LaLa Land
This morning wasn't any easier. I was up , drill in hand, by 7:15AM. I had three does to bore out, first with the drill, and then with a coping saw. Then there were plants to pot for the front door, real estate signs to clean and set up. And then I also had to make the house appear as though no one was living there. I think I jumped into the shower at 8:50 and was dressed, amazingly, but 9:00.
That is how my day started.
Days like this I swear that I feel like Annette Benning in American Beauty when she said, "I will sell this house! I will sell this house!" That's sort of the attitude I've had to take with this task. I mean, whose balls do I have to tongue to sell this house?
So today I discovered that the broker tour isn't a huge event, like it is in the Bay Area. I think I had 10 or so brokers and agents come through the door, a handful of regular folk, and a few neighbors stopped by to chat. The comments were mostly good. Very good in fact. Big relief after all of the work that we'd done on the house.
It's a bit scary selling a house so far away from home, but the agents here have been, for the most part, warm and inviting and have actually offered to sit my house open (of course hoping to snag a buyer or two in the process). I've never experienced such willingness to assist in the Bay Area, where the real estate business is very cut-throat. I'm sure it is here, too, as someone did steal my real estate sign here a few months ago, but I still can't be sure that it was an agent, and not one of the silly neighbor kids.
So for today, except for moments when a few of the neighbors stopped by with their children, I have been able to keep my mind at bay over our failed IVF cycle. I have an appointment with my Gyn next Tuesday to talk about removing my fibroid, and then my follow up with Dr. Moustache is the next day. My blood tests from DB's should be in by then with the exception of the DQ-alpha, which can take a few weeks to run. We are hoping, anxiously, that this myriad of tests that we just ran will shed some light onto why I'm just not getting to implantation.
See, and you thought I was going to get through this post without talking about infertility. ;-)
I am not going to have much time to check in on you guys until I get back home, but I hope that there is nothing but good news to read on Monday.
Comments on "Pushing Property in LaLa Land"
Whose balls do I have to tongue??!!! You crack me up, woman.
Distractions are good. Best of luck selling the house.
I'm glad you're making such progress with the house. Good for you. Let's hope some great offers come in quickly.
tongue - balls - too damn funny! Anything that is a distraction these days is a good thing. Sometimes it is hard to stop that "dammit I don't have a baby yet" record from playing in your head.