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Thursday, October 12, 2006

CD11: FSH & Lexapro

I got my CD3 FSH/E2 results today. And after all my bitching and moaning about how to get my E2 down, guess what happened?

It hit rock bottom.


Last month it was 72. So it dropped by exactly 50%.

What gives? I don't know what part of my immune drug cocktail is responsible for this, but it has NEVER, EVER, been lower.



It has been lower only once.

I don't get it. But god do I wish I knew what did it. So right now I am kicking myself to high hell for not having cycled this month. My numbers are perfect (for one edging up on 42). If you're 35 you're probably thinking my numbers suck ass, but these numbers are great for me.

Along another line...the post lexapro headaches haven't left me yet. I still don't feel quite right in the head. I'm bitchy, argumentative, and I have 2005 tax shit strewn about my office. It's a mess. J won't talk to me about using a surrogate, seeing Dr. Hungarian, or anything. He just came home from a gig in SF and went right to bed.

I'm seething. Which means I'm feeling more like me. But I really do feel ill. Something's not quite right.

What does any girl do with a medicine closet that looks like mine?

Well I cut a lexapro into 1/4s and washed one tiny piece down with some nettle tea and a 5-HTP chaser. That's what. I'm going to try microdoses of 2.5mg and hope that I can get my brain to give up the junk, but more slowly this time.

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Comments on "CD11: FSH & Lexapro"


Blogger Keeping The Faith said ... (2:56 PM) : 

Just wanted to come out of the woodwork and say Hi. I find your blog very informative and it raises many interesting questions. Maybe too many... :-) b/c I end up questioning everything too and want all of the answers when so much is out of our control in this process. But, I do admire your persistence to take charge w/ your treatment and options.

Wishing you all the best-


Blogger Donna said ... (4:16 PM) : 

Unfortunately I don't think there is any way to really know why our levels fluctuate, I think that's just what they do. I didn't think stopping the Lexapro cold turkey was a good idea, I hope the micro doses do the trick and your headache goes away.


Blogger Thalia said ... (7:47 AM) : 

I hope your approach to the lexapro works, it does sound safer than cold turkey.


Blogger Tiff said ... (11:52 AM) : 

Not sure about e2, but the FSH isn't bad at all. I am so sorry about the headaches. UGH!


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