Stims Day 13:
A Little Adjusting
After doing all of the conversions, it looks like he had me on 80mcg/day of lupron, whereas the new clinic has me at 100mcg/day. So the new REs increased my lupron by 25%. Significant or not, I went ahead and cut my lupron to 80mcg yesterday and you know what?
I had major ovary twinge action going on today.
Gentle reader, I do believe that I've been oversuppressed. Today I felt normal in terms of ovarian action...much like last year. I am really excited to see what they find on the U/S tomorrow morning at 8AM. I don't hold out a shred of hope for this cycle, but it would be validating to see that I got some good growth in the last day or so.
At least I'll know better next cycle: ignore the instructions.
Labels: IVF3 Take 3, The Hell that IVF Is
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A Little Adjusting"