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Monday, November 23, 2009

Some Preliminary Bloodwork

Went to see my hematologist today. They took some blood and ran a CBC today and sent out for the ferritin results.

My hematocrit was about 31 before the iron IVs, today it was at 36.6%. Still under the mark. Normal range is 37.7 - 53.7. So I'm still low.

He also did a reticulocyte count which he said indicates how many "baby red blood cells" my body has produced. They can extrapolate from there what my numbers might be.

I asked if I should take orals to supplement and he said it would cause GI problems. I think that he's inclined to give me more IVs should I need them. Good. I'm happy to do them.

Ferritin numbers will be on Wednesday as will my ESR.

"..ferritin [should be] above 70, with an ESR of less than 10mm/hr. If the ESR is above 10 then the ferritin should be above 140." (Source: email correspondence UK hematologist).

Interestingly, a good friend of mine who is also experiencing years of infertility wrote to me today and told me that her ferritin is at 9. NINE. She's having many of the same symptoms as I but she's gotten pregnant a few times, only to lose them in miscarriage each time. She's making an appointment to see a hematologist at Stanford as soon as possible to see if she can get iron infusions done ASAP.


Comments on "Some Preliminary Bloodwork"


Blogger Mad Hatter said ... (12:25 AM) : 

Wow. This is really amazing. I wonder how many of us are walking around with a missing link like this - so glad you're getting what your body needs! I hope this is the final puzzle piece for you!


Anonymous musicmakermomma said ... (12:23 AM) : 

So I got my results back today and my iron is 39 (fine) but my Ferritin is 30, which the labs SAYS is fine, but you said it should be 70! Should I be consulting a blood specialist? My appt with my RE is tomorrow am, so hopefully he will address this (the b/w was ordered by an ob/gyn). Interesting at least.

Also to note (which I knew) hugely high FSH levels and estradiol (sp?) Guess I'm menopausal. But since I'm not making the eggies I guess no one cares...


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