CD1: The LIT Laboratory is Back in Session
My reproductive immunologist's office said that LIT might have helped save my blast from imminent "death by uterus." (My saying, not theirs). OMFG. I hate hindsight.
I told them I'm using anon DS and don't know his tissue type but they said to just use my boyfriend's WBCs as it would still provide protective blocking antibodies. Wonderful. Wish I realized this before. I actually totally forgot that LIT was an essential component of my immune workup. I am an idiot to have forgotten about this.
So I've bought all the necessary supplies online tonight in order to do my own LIT again. Hell if I am flying to Mexico, the UK, or Greece to do this as I want to cycle NOW. I'm starting a new job next week and I cannot possibly fly off at this point.
DIY LIT? Why not. I've worked in R&D in an immunology lab and have excellent lab technique.
On my shopping list:
Sorvall GLC-2B centrifuge with swing out buckets
Sterile centrifuge tubes (10ml)
1000ml Lactated Ringers
1000ml Sterile Sodium Chloride
100 - 10ml heparin (green topped) vacutainer tubes
200 Sterile transfer pipettes
23g BD Butterfly syringes
Box gloves
Fritted separation tubes (already have these from last LIT)
Separation media ( "" )
All that's left to buy on the list after tonight is the gloves, centrifuge, and 23g butterflys.
I'm close. Very close.
I should be up and running in a week to a week and a half. It's worked miracles for my numbers before and should work again in a pinch.
I'm still so pissed that I sold off my collection of centrifuges and donated everything else to a vet office.
So pissed.
I feel like an idiot for not having a brain and remembering to do this before I cycled. Grrr....
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