CD15: Anticipation
Fortunately, it was good news: the embryologist said that my little bean had survived the night and was at the 2pn stage.
I started progesterone yesterday - 400mg twice a day. 800mg total. That's quadruple what most of my doctors have had me on. I read a few of Dr. Czech's studies and it seems that he gets better pregnancy rates with this method in older patients. Glad this guy is on the ball with the meds.
Today the embryologist called at the same time. I was even more panicked today as so many embryos just don't make it past the first day or two. I've also been hemming and hawing on whether email my manager regarding my absence for a few days.
Good news again!
3 cells!
I asked the embryologist what the normal range was for an embryo that "made it" at this point. She said 2 to 5 cells is normal and that mine was doing just fine.
I made a point of asking her about my zona and whether it seemed that ICSI would have been required. But she explained that she wasn't the person that did the ICSI so she didn't know. She said there weren't any comments in my file. She did say that they see a 60% fertilization rate without ICSI. My one natural fert cycle was at 67% so it was a bit higher than that but not by much.
So I'm busy today trying to get the apartment in order for when I return on Thursday or Friday afternoon. I'll be in a hotel tonight through Thursday morning, complete with room service, housekeeping, and a shuttle to get me to and from my appointment. I hope it all goes well and that there aren't glitches with shuttles and meals that I couldn't have forseen. I've got my laptop & meds all packed away. I still need to grab hi protein snacks that I can take to the hotel to supplement the room service meals. I'm going to head out late tonight and stay there tonight so that my room is all set up in the morning and I can come back and lay down for the next two days.
The embryologist is supposed to call me by 8AM to let me know if the embryo is still alive. Another call I have to endure and hope that there's good news on the other end of the line.
Labels: Fertilization Report, IVF9
Comments on "CD15: Anticipation"
Wow! Sounds like things have really progressed - hoping that embie is dividing like mad. Best of luck to you both!
I think there is something wrong with your page - when I click on your blog it goes to the new page with the fish at the top, but it says your content can't be found. If I click on the post title it takes me to your old page design and I can see the one post, but no older posts, which is ok except if I miss one! Don't worry about this until you have more time for fiddling, but thought you'd like to know.
Hoping for the best for you!