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Friday, April 03, 2009

Sperm Donation: On Donor Profiles

When you're in the market to buy sperm, anonymous or open, you can nearly always pay a fee to download a profile. California Cryobank, as of today, charges $17 to download what they call their "long profile". It contains SAT scores, medical information, and a few extra details outside of the short (free) profile.

One has to wonder how truthful these profiles really are. How many of these 20-something men really know their ethnicity or family's medical history accurately enough to convey it to women trying to conceive? These guys are being paid about $100 a shot (sorry) for their sperm and what is the incentive to spend hours filling out medical history forms in order to do this? "Grandma, I need your medical history so I can donate sperm and get $100 a load. Can you please help me out?" I'm sure these conversations rarely happen and so I have to question to validity of the data that these donors provide.

One donor, whose information I paid for, when asked why he was donating honestly said that he was doing this for the money, plain and simple. I appreciate his honesty. I really do. But I'm a prospective buyer and I would plan on buying the entire packet of information for my child, and in there my child would read that their genetic father donated sperm for money.

For money.

At least adopted children have a better story than that. So my child would be greeted with the idea that the impetus for their existence amounted to little more than a couple hundred dollars in their father's pocket?

I am sorry but no matter how good the donor looks on paper, I would never want my child to read something so base, so unfeeling as that, for the reason for their existence.

Another donor that I considered, because the clinic said that he was quite attractive, said that he had smoked pot EVERY DAY from 1999 to 2006. The profile showed that he applied to be a donor in 2007. Oh really. So he decided to stop smoking COMPLETELY in 2007 just so he could donate sperm? Seriously, we're supposed to believe this? THC, the active ingredient in pot, is absorbed by the fat in one's body, and can wreak havoc in the body for a period after one has ceased to smoke. And so when I give my child THIS donor's profile, and s/he asked, "Gee mom, why did you pick this donor when he was a druggie?" what on earth would I say? Scratch this one, too.

After reading profile after profile, paying $17 for numerous profiles, I realized what a gimmick this sperm bank crap was. They really need to do drug testing and make a subscription model so that us prospective parents can do a thorough screening of the sperm donors.

I don't trust these young men's profiles. They're being paid. They're anonymous. I question their motives. There's no accountability or liability should they have lied that known genetic mutations run amuk in their families. And most of them probably don't know the difference between Serbian and Slovakian when citing their ethnicities.

It's so scary to be in the position of having to rely on donor sperm to become a parent. Truly, it is. I applaud Sweden and other EU counties for doing away with anonymous donor sperm and only hope that the U.S. will wise up and follow suit.

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Comments on "Sperm Donation: On Donor Profiles"


Blogger Mark Lyndon said ... (7:40 AM) : 

I'm surprised that any potential donor would admit to long-term use of marijuana, or that any sperm bank would accept such a donor. He's probably telling the truth, but I wouldn't pick him as a donor anyway.

I suspect that ID-release donors are less likely to hide things or stretch the truth on their profiles, since there's a good chance that any children that result from the donations will eventually be looking them up some day. The sperm banks are less likely to change the profile too. Yes, this has happened. You can read details of a court case against CCB here:
They ignored important medical information given to them by a donor, THEN falsified his records when it appeared to have caused a problem, THEN lied about it in court. You have to read the details to find out just how despicable their behaviour was.
If this had been a UK clinic, I'm fairly sure they would have lost their licence over this.

I can only hope that the sperm banks are cleaning up their act, because there are some serious issues to be addressed as discussed in this article: The Truth about Donor 1084.


Blogger linda said ... (1:38 PM) : 


Thank you for the links that you posted. I had no idea that such atrocities have been committed by Fairfax and Cyrobank, but I can't say that I'm surprised. They're in this for the business, yes? And I agree, I am shocked that they let a donor into the program who admitted to such extensive use of marijuana. What peeves me with respect to him is that I had to pay $17 to find out that he had this in his profile.

Your posting and articles further strengthen my feelings of apprehension towards using a sperm bank for my IVF procedure. If I do, I will most certainly pick one who has consented to being contacted, and perhaps someone with a PhD or MD so that they will hopefully be mature enough to realize the need for conveying accurate information.


Blogger Donna said ... (2:20 AM) : 

Hi Linda, just getting caught up...so sorry you are struggling with yet another layer of crap. Almost makes you want to be a 19 year-old crack addict, doesn't it (cuz they get pregnant real easy). I've been neck-deep in my own world of craptasticness lately, but wanted you to know I'm still here.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:21 PM) : 

So what if he smoked pot? It doesnt change anything.


Blogger linda said ... (12:49 AM) : 

Dear anonymous,

I love it when an anon makes such a grandiose statement without having done any research.

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