They're Alive!
They both fertilized and both are normal!
Thank you universe!!!
I am to email the doc Saturday morning around 11AM EST to confirm that they have made it to day 3. If yes, transfer is on Monday at 4:45PM EST.
Please, oh please, survive.
Labels: Fertilization Report, IVF6
Comments on "They're Alive!"
hi - i just found your blog the other day, but wanted to say congratulations!!! on having 2 fertilized and normal! I learned yesterday afternoon that 3 of the 4 eggs we retrieved on Tuesday were mature and that 2 had fertilized normally. Transfer tomorrow morning for me. After 2 failed IVF cycles (failed to make enough eggs to retrieve) this is the most we're given to understand that I'll probably ever get (at age 39 going on 40).
Keeping my fingers crossed for your 2!!! Hopefully, we'll both have luck!
Boy oh boy you are right in the thick of it! I will be crossing fingers that you get good news tomorrow morning!
I'm just amazed at your fabulous duo! They are heartly little souls - hoping they have what it takes to hang around for the long haul. Good luck my friend.