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Monday, November 15, 2010

6DP3DT: Testing out my HCG

Yesterday's HPT showed the last trace of my bHCG trigger from 9 days ago.

And, today? Today was the first day of a snow white HPT. 6 days after transfer. Now the fun begins.

Two days ago I wrote that I felt nothing. That was until last night. I had some great cramps last night as we drove the boyfriend's children to Toys R Us and, again today, at work and on the way home.

I'm not stressed (yet). Just curious, wondering, wishing.

The cramps might be due to my mixing progesterone types (suppositories and capsules up the hoohaaa) rather than anything. Perhaps they used a different type in the capsule? (Despite the fact that a molecule of progesterone is a molecule of progesterone. Unless it's perhaps synthetic and not exactly the same or mixed with something irritating?)

I try to not obsess about signs. I don't wipe obsessively, looking for traces of pink. I've read oodles on implantation bleeding and I actually think it's more of an urban myth or of a symptom of progesterone irritation to the cervix. This study seems to affirm this.

I can't take huge faith in cramps because progesterone screws with our bodies and our heads. It's comforting to know that something's going on when you get a cramp or two and I hate to say that it makes me hopeful for a bit, but I have had cramps with most cycles. Damned progesterone.

The only thing that will convince me is a red line, no matter how faint.

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Comments on "6DP3DT: Testing out my HCG"


Blogger Adele said ... (9:06 PM) : 

I think the only thing definitive really is that second line. I've had implantation bleeding. Sometimes but not always. Sometimes it happens, but mostly it does not. Sometimes cramps mean something but sometimes they do not. And progesterone ALWAYS irritates me.

Hoping that this was the perfect eggie, Linda.


Anonymous musicmakermomma said ... (11:09 AM) : 

Hoping for that second line! I have had all the signs too, and I think we can convince our bodies but not the test. *sigh* Good luck my dear.


Blogger Jem said ... (3:32 PM) : 

At least the HCG is out of your system and you can really obsess now! (kidding).

No, really.

The progesterone irritates me, too. Mostly for masking symptoms, tho.

Hang in there!


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