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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Being that I am between cycles, I haven't had anything new and exciting to report on from my IF chair. I am still waiting for my shipment of Enbrel to arrive so that I can start the process of getting my immune system to calm down. Hopefully it will not only stop my psoriasis, but stop my hair from falling out (which has been going on since about CD10 or so of my last IVF cycle). My hair looks like shit. It's thin and dry. I used to have beautiful thick blond hair. Just last fall in fact. Some of my friends say they don't notice, but god, how can't they notice it? Why are they polite and afraid to say what they see? I saw Dr. G for my yearly two weeks ago and it was one of the first things she commented on. Perhaps, just perhaps, this enbrel will stop this hair falling out business in it's tracks and give me another lovely drop in my FSH as it turns things around, once again.

Last time I took humira, for somewhat similar reasons, I saw a great drop in my FSH. From about 9.5 or 10, all the way down to 5.6. It didn't help us get pregnant during FET#1, but it could have been crappy eggs from the previous IVF that was to blame. Dr. B used to think that women whose cytokines were extremely elevated were susceptible to ovarian and egg damage. He felt that patients such as that needed to take humira or enbrel on average of 17.4 weeks in order to get the maximum effects. My cytokines have never been in what he would call the danger zone, but because of my psoriasis outbreak, it's clear that my immune system is just whacked out and needs to be addressed.

I'm prepared to take it for that long for my psoriasis alone, so if it boosts my* chances with another IVF cycle all the better. Some studies show a slightly elevated risk of certain types of lymphomas for psoriasis patients that take enbrel and humira. I've also heard that they tend to disappear once the medication is ceased. I am not really sure what to believe but some days it just seems worth the risk. Some days, when I am feeling really down about this whole IF thing, I think that life would just not be the same without kids so I'll take the risk. Then my brain kicks in and straightens me out. So I'll ask my docs to monitor me as closely as they can for any indications of things going awry.

Otherwise, I have a tentative hysteroscopy scheduled for October 11th. I've been negligent in committing to the appointment but I really should have the good Dr. G take a look-see to ensure that all is fine inside. I've had sono-HSGs, chromopertubation tests, but never a hysteroscopy. Dr. G has explained that a sono-HSG should show any uterine abnormalities, but I really would like to know for sure that the 7 dwarfs haven't taken up residence in my uterus before shelling out another five figures for the next IVF.

I've managed to accumulate approximately 6.5 days of my IVF meds from online friends...thank you so much ladies. I can't tell you how much everything helps. :-) But I think you know.

*J has decided he has had it with the whole IVF thing. Maybe even with being a parent. Our experience with IF been incredibly hard on us. Beyond words. I know that nothing really needs to be said for those of you that have, like us, endured multiple IVFs, failures, and what lupron can do to a couple. It's enough to destroy the best of couples. We've all heard tales of couples that separated or divorced after multiple IVFs yet the woman trudged on alone and was finally successful without her mate. Or wasn't.

I won't describe what has happened here out of respect for J, who was insane enough to give this URL out to friends, family, and coworkers. But, in a nut shell, it does not look as though he will sign on for another IVF whether or not I am hired onto a company that has benefits. I am assuming that I will be doing this next cycle alone and for myself. And that is fine by me. Yes, I am sad about it all, god, f*cking stunned is more like it, but I've had a few weeks to heal and I will keep trying because that is really all that I can do.

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Comments on "Changes"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:26 PM) : 

Hi Linda, my heart goes out to you. It must be so tough to go through so many tries and not know when will be your lucky break. I had multiple failed IVFs too, which took tolls on our relationship at times. We survived. Just hang in there a little while longer and follow your heart. You can only do what your heart tells you to. Hopefully J will come around and oneday your dream will come true. ~ Sheba, praying for you in SF. (blu_leaf@yahoo.com)


Blogger tryingin2007 said ... (1:27 PM) : 

yes! multiple IVFs can reek havoc on a marriage (and all other relationships as well.) all I know is that I am a completely different person before, during and after cycling. it's not pretty.

I'm sorry you have to go through this now by yourself. but from what I've read in your blog, you have a lot of strength. I wish you the best of luck as you move forward.


Blogger Hopeful Mother said ... (3:19 PM) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Blogger tonya said ... (12:35 AM) : 

I know our experiences are different, but I can relate to the difficulties infertility throws into a marriage. We are still working to rebuild our marriage after the damage caused by only two years of IF. It really, really sucks and I am thinking of you.

If you want a night out (ice cream or booze or something less potent), let me know. Things in my life are finally looking up a bit so that I am freer to plan things *I* want to do again, and I'd love to see you again if you're interested. Sending you a hug.


Blogger millie said ... (1:54 PM) : 

Just checking in on you from Vancouver. So very sorry to hear that things are tough. IF is just a bitch every which way.

Thinking of you. Lemme know if you wanna have a girls get together up in the East Bay. I might even have a vial of the good stuff for you.


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