She's Heeeeeeeeeeeere!
Hmm, what else? Thursday night I took my first shot of enbrel of the 50mg variety (or is that 50mcg? Frightening how I didn't bother to really look this time). I haven't noticed any unusual symptoms. I've been extremely tired that last few days but that's probably all normal considering how little sleep I get, what with two frisky kittens who drop their toys on my sleeping head at 6:30 in the morning. I 'do' find myself looking at my scalp multiple times throughout the day scouting for a reduction in plaques in my quickly diminishing hairline. Yes, the hair is STILL falling out, but it seems to be slowing just a tiny bit.
Lastly, I just picked up a couple bottles of a predigested form of folic acid to help with the MTHFR issue (otherwise known as the "motherfucker gene") and am hoping to get my folic acid stores up in time for my next IVF cycle. Yeah, I know it might not happen ever again, but there's nothing wrong in "getting healthy". Anyways, with the MTHFR gene comes the increased risk of strokes and other issues if left it's just one of those things that gets taken care of in the throes of trying to get pregnant.
There you have it. Nothing important save for my dear lost AF who finally made her way back today. Whew.
Labels: AF
Comments on "She's Heeeeeeeeeeeere!"
Ha! Told you. Glad you could join me ;)
What is the predigested folic acid? Folgard??
Yay! The bi.tch is back and about darn time.
And, yes, what is predigested folic acid?