I emailed Dr. Italian after my dismal retrieval...I asked if we could please test my hCG levels to see if it the levels that remained would be considered normal for how many hours I was past trigger. I just can't understand why this cycle didn't work. At all. The geek scientist in me wants, NEEDS, to know WHY. I want closure.
So I went to the clinic at 11AM today, precisely 3.5 days after trigger and had them draw my blood. There's a normal range for how much hCG is left in your body after trigger given the known half-life of hCG. This excellent article, "Bioavailability of hCG after intramuscular or subcutaneous injection in obese and non-obese women" demonstrates the declining normal ranges over time.
I had my blood drawn at precisely 84 hours after trigger (3.5 days). The value, if normal, should have been around 100. It was 110.
So the quality of the hCG was fine. The injection site (my upper arm) was fine. What I am thinking at this point (and a number of you readers have echoed this point) is that I triggered way too early.
My lead follicle was 18mm the day before I triggered. It should probably have been more like 22mm, which would have given the stragglers more time to catch up. I guess my question now is why he didn't have me take couple days of of Gonal-F and ganirelex and then come in for another U/S?
At least it makes sense now. I know what to be angry about and that helps tremendously.
Labels: HCG, IVF5 Take 1, rant, The Hell that IVF Is
Comments on "Aftermath"
I'm so sorry, Linda...I can totally relate to your need to understand and make sense of it, and I would be angry, too...Grrrrr on your behalf. ((Hugs))
It may well be that the decision to trigger was wrong, I'm sorry that added to the generally difficult circumstances.