9DP3DT IVF9: Screw this cycle
I was exhausted and pissed by the time I got home.
And by the time I got home, the cramps were gone.
I can't help but think that I should have taken a taxi to the ferry and have gone home the more expensive but safer way.
There was just a wee twinge of them the next morning (Tuesday) as I drove to Philadelphia...and then a teeny bit on Wednesday...but really nothing I could notice.
Today there hasn't been a thing. Not even a remote sensation.
And the HPTs are snow white.
So, if progesterone causes cramps, then where have they gone? I've been at work up and to bed at random times and so I've taken a few 200mg P4 capsules to work as I'm sure that some of the P4 has just oozed out before it's had a chance to absorb. So I've probably gotten a bit more than the 800mg/day, which means if the cramps are solely P4 induced, I should be reeling over in continual pain.
But I'm not.
I worry that I screwed this cycle up by exerting myself a bit too much on Monday - then there was the stress of a fight with the other half on Sunday which left me feeling horribly depressed and emotional. I hate all the end of the cycle second guessing that I do. I can't help myself.
My beta is on Saturday and it smells like failure. I am still in Philly on business by myself, in a boring hotel room, alone. I wish I was at home with my cats who let me squeeze them until they're nearly flat before putting out a protest "mrow" in defense.
I think that I'm going to call the clinic in the AM to see if I can do my beta tomorrow and just call this cycle done for. If there's any HCG, and I'm sure there's not, they can do the math to figure out if it's worth retesting.
But my sticks are 20mIU sensitive and they're telling me that this party is over.
Labels: 2WW, IVF9, POAS, The Hell that IVF Is
Comments on "9DP3DT IVF9: Screw this cycle"
Oh Linda nooo, I have never done the testing that early so I couldn't tell if it's just too soon. But I actually thought progesterone did not cause cramping, quite the opposite as it's supposed to be a muscle relaxant. I'm still hoping for positive beta. Big hugs
The second half of the 2ww is absolute hell. Still hoping for you but understand where you are. Progesterone doesn't actually cause any real cramping in me but it does make my emotions more unstable. Hang in there!
Fran / Anon,
I thought that progesterone was known for causing cramping? Hmmm....I've had mid 2WW cramps with loads of my IVFs and then nothing happens. I wonder what's up with that?
Fran: when did you actually test? Tomorrow is 11 days past transfer so the embryo will be like 14 days old (if it's still there...and I have my doubts).
Yes, I've noticed myself being a bit more weepy than usual, likely from the progesterone. Some women complain of their BB's hurting from it, though I'm not sure that I've had that from progesterone.
I hope the clinic will let you test early - as you say, there will be enough HCG to determine the next step. I have no idea what Progesterone does or doesn't do - this time it seemed to make me certifiable, that's for sure (hence my big roar on my blog this week!). I am hoping beyond hope that you're one of those women for whom pee sticks don't work and that you get a very happy surprise.
And I totally hear you on the cat-squeezing thing - I molest my dog constantly during my 2ww.
Oh Linda the 2ww is so awful- just not knowing and not being able to find out makes me nutty! Hoping since this non-cramping is new for you that is a good sign! I haven't had cramping with progesterone myself. Good luck!
I don't know what I would do without my kitties to snuggle so I hear you on that one. I hope you get the early beta so you can get some relief from the waiting.
Oh no. I dont like the sound of this. I read your posts out of sequence. I hope you are doing ok....