Poignant Paragraph
This one paragraph really grabbed me on an emotional level (I hope they don't mind my including a paragraph here):
"The experience of infertility plunges people into contact with the outermost reaches of their humanity. Infertility is a profound crisis that threatens identity, relationships, and continuity. It threatens one's sense of the world, it disturbs beliefs and assumptions, and it belies safety and security. It is an emergency that uses up coping skills, and depletes resources; people start to run on empty as their chronic stress levels move into the area of trauma. Infertility can shut people down emotionally, it necessarily limits and narrows; people are functioning in "emergency mode", a black and white vantage point that oversimplifies for the purpose of survival. This is not the best place to understand the complexities of human interactions, or the perspective of the "other": this is a time to survive, and everything else may feel inessential, a luxury."
I don't think that there is any more clear way of expressing how infertility has made me feel. My beliefs and assumptions about getting pregnant, of being a mother, have been ripped to shreds. There have been times in cycles that NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. My eye is so "on the ball" that I turn totally inward, tunneling into doing everything to cycle.
That article expresses my innards so well. I can't read it without tears.
Labels: The Hell that IVF Is
Comments on "Poignant Paragraph"
Whoever wrote that nailed it. Thanks for sharing that. I wish no one, including you, had to feel that way.
WOW, that nailed it for me too. On the head.
Hope you're doing ok.
Oh, boy, it's so good to read that and have my feelings validated. Thank you. I'm sorry that you (and the rest of us) are going through this.
Hi, I don't know how often you read this blog because I see the last update was in Dec. I'm not even sure how I stumbled upon this. I've just been looking for something to relate to. In nearly every blog that I've come across 75% are either pregnant, they're younger and have many years to try, or they're financially able to continue trying IVF. Thank you for this article. It hits home in a world that can feel very alone.