Feeling Blessed
(And I'm Not Religious)
This morning, J and I drove to Foster City where an IF friend gifted me with a shot of humira. This is expensive stuff, I think about $1500 for a box of two shots, and my insurance has been sitting on their hands with my preauthorization. I don't even know if they WILL cover it at this rate. So the gift of humira was so well timed and appreciated as I need to start the injectible medicine on Monday, after my NKs are retested. Another IF friend has agreed to see me a second shot (I need a shot every two weeks) for $25. Another amazing and so appreciated gift. I am amazed at how the ladies I've met have been willing to help me though this.
And now...just this afternoon, I got a call from an agent on one of my listings. This is a condo that is nice enough, but priced just a bit higher than everyone else's, $20,000 more, that I feared that I would have trouble selling it. So this agent calls me today, out of the blue, and tells me that she stopped by to see the place while I wasn't there and that her clients ADORE the place and they are writing up an offer this very evening. WOW!
But it just continues on. Someone walked into my open house today and literally said, "What do I need to do to get the ball rolling with selling my house?" I nearly fainted. Procuring real estate listings is no easy business. To have one fall in my lap is truly a blessing.
But there's more. Another wonderful owner in this loft complex that I am working came in just a few minutes ago and wants to get together about pricing his loft.
I just don't understand it. I'm flabbergasted.
In real estate you can't count your chickens til they hatch. I'm excited but warily so. I can't really count on any of this happening until it actually comes to pass.
Today, just today, I am having such wonderful luck with my job, with getting the medicine I need to procede with my next FET. I am not a religious person, but something is going my way and I simply don't understand it. I hate to question, to analyze it, at all.
Maybe some bizarre cosmic forces are at work here.