I turned 42 today. Statistically my chances of getting pregnant just dropped into yet another abysmally low category. But with 43 they will be something like 5%. Gulp.
J is sick. Fever, diarrhea, frequent urination, aching testicles, lower back pain. IT all started with what seemed like food poisoning after dinner at a place in Jack London Square on Sunday night. By the time we got home J's bowels were on the warpath. J's freaking out that Dr. Hungarian's diagnoses are coming to haunt him. In the back of my mind, I worry that J's encounter with the dildo cam (for checking his prostate) didn't cause this flare up. No...it's probably just a combination of stress, overworking, and a bit of food poisoning.
We had plans to have dinner tonight at a really nice place here in town but he's just feeling poopy. I made him a 7:30AM appointment with the local urolgist...that will put a damper on any late night plans we have. I was thinking I might just reschedule our dinner for another night, but on second thought, I can go tonight with mom, and the have J take me to Manresa another night. Maximize my dining adventures while I can. Capice?
On the IF front: Dr. Next hasn't called us since reviewing our file and I can only wonder what that means.
I met with Dr. E up in Daly City yesterday. He's a doc that specializes in Infectious Diseases with an interest in STDs. Dr. Hungarian, in NYC, faxed over our lab results to Dr. E's and I showed up at Dr. E's for my 5pm appointment.
Dr. E all but said that he thought Dr. Hungarian was a quack. I was prepared for this. I know that Dr. Hungarian's treatment protocol requires one to think outside of the box, and that I can do, but most doctors are so regimented in their ideas as to "how to treat" patients that they just can't do it.
He took a cervical culture and put it under the microscope. Loads of squamous cells and rbcs as I still had my AF to contend with. "Not a single flagella in sight" he mentioned. But I reminded him that there are non flagellated forms of trich. I felt a bit uneasy being the one to point that out to him, the doctor. He conceded that was true, but didn't offer any reassurances.
I returned to the room while he fetched an "order out" book of lab test. He commented that aren't any blood tests for trich, but according to his wet mounted slide, I don't have it. Hmmmmm... He did a culture for it and also offered to run a couple serum tests for the big C.
He said he couldn't do Dr. Hungarian's IV protocol for J or I because Dr. Hungarian was using the drugs in non approved ways (ie, the treatment protocols were either too long, used IVs when oral drugs would suffice, or the drugs were in excessive quantities). "Let's wait and see what the results show" before doing anything else. "Should I have J come up for testing?" I asked. He said no. I reminded him that J is the one that tested positive for four things. But he said that after being together for over six years that he should have everything that I have. But I've been on a slew of antibiotics this year from the two IVFs and one FET, not to mention my surgery. There's a valid reason my clock is clean and why J's wouldn't be.
Why do I have to be the doctor?
I left with labwork to test for the big C at Mills Hospital in Burlingame and I headed directly there. They tested me for IgG and IgM forms of it but there was a second test. I don't recall the other test they ran. Results will be in within one week and I'm to call him next week.
So I'll beat my head against the wall trying to find a doctor that will give J and I an IV full of clindamycin and gentamycin for our ills. I don't know where on earth we'll find a doctor that will do the uterine lavages or prostate injections that we need...but it is starting to feel like we'll wind up being forced to return to NYC for 10 days for treatment since docs here aren't comfortable treating us.
Not that taking yet another impromptu trip is anything I'd gripe about. Grin.
Labels: Trying to get to IVF3